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Education & Awareness

Through our work, we've discovered that there's a large gap in awareness around Statelessness both in the US, and around the globe. Which is why we've partnered with—and received support from—trusted domestic and international human rights partners. We see a massive opportunity to begin to educate both the general public, and our state and national legislators, on the concept of Statelessness; we feel passionate about letting the stories of impacted Stateless people lead this effort. It is our hope that our efforts can help bring education and awareness to the term, as we believe that a solution can only come once there is an agreed upon understanding of the issue.

With this in mind, we are actively partnering with research institutions, colleges and universities, journalists and filmmakers, podcasters and activists from varying backgrounds, industries and initiatives to help tell the story of Statelessness, and give a voice to the individuals who are experiencing Statelessness in their own unique ways. Our movement symbolizes that those affected can, and should lead. At USL, we believe that people directly impacted by structural injustices are in fact the true activists, leaders, and the experts of those issues.

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United Stateless is a national organization led by stateless people whose mission is to build and inspire community among those affected by statelessness, and to advocate for their human rights. United Stateless is sponsored by Social Good Fund.
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