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Image by Brian Asare


When it comes to policy change, solutions need to be driven by people directly impacted by the problem.

Hilary, United Stateless Ally

United Stateless, a stateless-led nonprofit grassroots organization, urges our leaders and lawmakers to take action, to better protect stateless individuals residing here and, ultimately, to end statelessness in the United States. Enacting legislation that provides a path for stateless individuals living in the United States to obtain lawful permanent residency and, ultimately, U.S. citizenship would fulfill the pledge made by the U.S. government in December 2011 commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

Our Solutions for The executive Branch* of the United States.

*The executive branch carries out and enforces laws. It includes the president, vice president, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees.

  1. Work with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to: grant stateless people in the U.S. deferred action or temporary permission to reside in the U.S.; remove orders of supervision and travel limitations; establish a policy of timely release for stateless people with final orders of removal; and provide fee-exempt identity documents and work authorization.

  2. Reinstate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which will provide temporary protection to certain stateless individuals. 

  3. Encourage Congress to pass legislation (namely, the Stateless Protection Act drafted by United Stateless) that provides lawful permanent residence and a path to citizenship for stateless people in the U.S. 

  4. Designate a department or bureau within DHS to address statelessness domestically, working in cooperation with the Department of State's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration which already works to address statelessness outside of the U.S. 

  5. Establish stateless status determination procedure within DHS. 

  6. Issue guidance to the Department of Justice (DOJ) to terminate final removal proceedings for stateless people residing in the U.S. 

  7. Prioritize education and awareness of statelessness within the executive branch. 

Our Solutions for The Legislative  Branch* of the United States.

*The legislative branch drafts proposed laws, confirms or rejects presidential nominations for heads of federal agencies, federal judges, and the Supreme Court, and has the authority to declare war.

  1. Enact legislation (namely, the Stateless Protection Act drafted by United Stateless) that adopts the internationally recognized definition of “stateless person” and provides lawful permanent residence and a path to U.S. citizenship for stateless people residing in the U.S. 

  2. Enact legislation that provides a path to citizenship for DACA recipients (who face a risk of statelessness). 

  3. Sign and ratify the 1954 and 1961 Conventions on Statelessness. 

  4. Amend U.S. laws to release stateless people from detention during the 90 day removal period. 

  5. Amend U.S. laws to remove re-entry requirements for stateless individuals to allow them to adjust status in the U.S. without needing to travel overseas. 

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United Stateless is a national organization led by stateless people whose mission is to build and inspire community among those affected by statelessness, and to advocate for their human rights. United Stateless is sponsored by Social Good Fund.
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